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Macro Algae Grape saltwater plant.


When you buy Macro Algae or Macroalgae for sale your getting marine plants for sale, that we have been aqua culturing this particular strain of grape Macro Algae for 9 years. We have developed a particularly hardy strain that easily adapts to varying conditions in different tank systems. We give it an excellent chance of adapting when transplanted and growing in your saltwater aquarium.


This grape Caulerpa macro algae is particularly fast growing saltwater plant and absorbs nitrates and phosphates like no other.


Growth pattern is vine like attaching to substrate and rocks with bunches of grape clutches growing from the main stem. It is compatible with other macro algae so don't worry about it taking over other macro types you might have growing in your system. It will easily grow side by side with other saltwater plants and macros like mangroves and chaeto with out bothering their growth.


Macro Algae has many benefits in the saltwater marine aquarium reef tank.

Copepods and Amphipods nest in the algae. Get Macroalgae to promote copepod and amphipod populations in refugium as well as main display tank.

Maintain water quality and less water changes if you grow macro algae in your tank. Remove nitrates and phosphates and nitrites produced by fish waist and left over uneaten fish food. 

Macro algae is the best fish food for herbivorous fish like angelfish tangs etc..

Set up a natural habitat for seahorse aquariums. Seahorses love to cling to macro algae and forage all day for their natural prey which is live copepods and amphipods.

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Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 1 rating)
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Grape macroalage
Written by Timothy McRae on 16th Jul 2021

Looks great and started growing within a day or two