Live Prey Size Ranges
Live prey organisms for sale. Buy clean pathogen free live prey cultures for your saltwater reef tank aquarium.
2 way benefits of small clean up crew and live prey animals in the aquarium tank.
Small micro clean up crew animals such as Mysid shrimp, grass shrimp, Amphipods, Copepods, Rotifers, Phytoplankton occupy a crucial role in maintaining the balance in our earths' ecosystem which we are duplicating on a minor scale in our saltwater reef tank aquariums.
Small animals can get into crevices on rock work that large animals like snails and hermit crabs can't access.
Micro Clean up crew. Consumes unwanted coating slime algae from all surfaces.
Clean up crew maintain clean sand bed and Live rock. Promotes healthy bacteria growth and calcareous coralline algae growth.
Clean up crew animals make the best live food for aquariums, and live foods for fish like Mandarin fish.
Essential to introduce these clean up crews to the reef tank aquarium to bridge the gap between the larger animals like fish and the smallest animals like bacteria.
These small crustaceans and plankton occupy an essential link in the chain of life that we are trying to reproduce in our captive kept reef systems we call our home display aquariums.
Source of live prey. Live forage organisms.
Provide key nutritional elements like live enzymes, Amino Acids, and Omega Fatty Acids that are necessary for the health and longevity growth of Mandarin fish and corals.
Our clean up crews help maintain healthy macro algae growth like chaeto by eating coating nuisance slime algae off chaeto surface which promotes growth in the macro.
Clean up crews feed themselves by eating left over food and fish waste and nuisance algae.
This breaks down the excess protein sooner into smaller bits so the next organism in the chain (nitrifying bacteria) or the cycle can break it down further.
Very interesting little creatures to observe in the aquarium.